Friday, December 21, 2007

Club Cards

Shopping gods, please tell me why I must have a club card in order to receive a deal on certain items in any given store.

Not only am I opposed to having a key chain full of tabs to receive discounts, but I'm opposed to every store tracking my purchases. I feel like they're following me around the store, looking over my shoulder as I shop and I don't like it.

I don't think it's fair that in order to get a deal, I have to give the store all my information and swipe my card (or input my phone number) every time I shop. They don't turn away people at the door, so why can't they just give everyone the sale price?

I certainly have the power of the purse, however I can't buy everything I need at Trader Joe's, or the neighborhood grocery store, selection is just limited. I also shop at Costco, which my husband thinks is the ultimate "club card" that I'm rebelling against. But I disagree and here's why: in order to shop there, I must pay the fee to become a member. They don't let anyone walk in the door, load their cart and then say, "Do you have a club card? Oh, sorry, you'll have to leave now." While they probably track my spending, they don't send me coupons tailored to what I buy regularly. Some people see the special coupons as a favor, I see it as Big Brother watching over me, or trying to steer me in certain directions.

My solution . . . every time I shop at a grocery store that offers club savings, I arrive at the register and the checker inevitably asks if I have a club card, to which I respond, "no." They will either swipe one they have at the register, or ask me if I want one. If the latter occurs, I say sure, walk out of the store and promptly dump it in the trash.

I haven't figured out how much money I'm wasting for the huge corporation every time I throw their card away, but I do recognize this as a flaw in my plan. I don't want to waste resources, so maybe next time I'll recycle the card.

1 comment:

Kay said...

Using those cards at stores (almost EVERY store, I might add) doesn't bother me as much as having to login and have an account everytime you want to do something online!!

We're truly tracked from pillar to post these days!