Wednesday, September 10, 2008

That'll teach me

Yesterday morning I came home from my spin class to a silent house. I made lunches, breakfasts and was well on my way to a productive first day of preschool for my boys, class for myself and I even had a lovely blog post parading through my mind. I knew hubby was on the computer upstairs, so I opted to continue my productivity downstairs, passing up the possibility of blogging on my iPhone because the screen is a little too tedious for long posts. Little did I know that if I waited longer the thoughts would drift away and my lovely images would scatter with the calls for weather reports, lost shoes, pencils, butt wiping and the likes of my day.

Now I know why people keep notebooks on their nightstands and write things down in the middle of the night or whenever things come to them.


Mandy said...

i have learned this very lesson too many times. i finally purchased a small notebook to keep with me all the time now. the funny thing is, i never have anything to write in it now. where did my thoughts go? :)

Rachel said...

I know what you mean. Yesterday at church I wrote a whole post in my head, but I didn't jot it down b/c I was holding a kid on my lap. By the time I got home it was gone, gone.