Monday, October 20, 2008

Our Sunday Chaos

Yesterday was an especially weird day. #1 and I began the day by cheering on my friend and mother of daughter's friends in a triathalon. I might have been inspired for a new sport, except I'm not such a strong swimmer.

The preschool where #2 & #3 attend is run by a church and yesterday was Preschool Sunday, and the 3 & 4 year olds have been practicing two songs. So we packed up for church early and were guests in the preschool's church, and what do you know, the boys wouldn't sing. We sat in a pew and watched their classmates sing. Okay, no big deal.

Then we proceeded to our church. #3 throws a major tantrum in the middle of Sacrament Meeting and puzzle pieces go flying. Nice. I ask #1 if she'll help pick up the puzzle pieces, to which she agrees because she's that kind of a kid (thank goodness). She's bending down on her heals leaning forward and bumps her elbow and is jolted upright by the pain and then her eyes roll back in her head and she goes over backwards. I look at her and see her eyes rolling around but she's not responding to me, and I freak out. Hubby and I jump up and try to get her out of the chapel, get her some water and he takes her to get some food. After further evaluation, her blood pressure was probably low from being almost horizontal, and then with lack of circulation because she was sitting on her heels, well you get the picture. She was/is fine.

Nothing like having your child pass out to get your heart pumping. Then when we realized she's okay, I was drained.

We enter Primary, and our behavior problems are in full force, and I was off to the adult's classes to retrieve the parents of said children.

Hubby and I came home and looked at each other and said, "What the heck just happened?"

"We give up."


fer said...

Oh man! Poor #1...first faint! Hopefully her last. Egads. What a day you had...sorry, friend!

Liz said...

No one had prepared me for my first child fainting. We were in the doctor's office! Sarah fell flat to the floor (from standing position). I was thinking, "Would someone please fill me in on what just happened?!" Hooray that some situations are so easily remedied, right? Glad she is fine. Glad you survived. On to another Sunday, right? :)