Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Young & Old

I don't feel old.  I feel like I'm relatively good with technology.  I know how to send an e-mail, write a blog, find pdf directions of how to put the new bed together, download books and music, etc.  I'm getting better at texting, thanks to my friend who has a real job, and can't always talk on the phone.  But do I need to get a Facebook/MySpace page?  I've never even been to those websites, ever.  (Like the people who say, "You have to watch out for pornography on the internet, sometimes it just jumps out at you and you can't get away fast enough."  When does this happen?  In my 15 years online, I've accidentally come across pornography once.  Yep, I was working in elections, looking for a legitimate website four previous, but had since been turned into a porno site.)  Are these two social webistes what separates the generations?  I'm not sure because my husband invited me to join his LinkedIn contacts.  But I haven't joined because I'm not really interested in networking, unless there are people who can tell me how to add more hours into the day so I can do my laundry, or help me keep my house in order while spending time with my children, or decent people to watch my children while I go out during the day, or who can move my name up on the waiting list for the nursing program that's closest to my house).  I feel like I've done pretty well for myself in a new town, and online.  Maybe it's time I recognize that thirty-something is no longer young,  but what is the inbetween called, because I certainly don't feel old.

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