Saturday, October 11, 2008

Recent Musings

I took my own advise and finally wrote blog ideas down in my little notebook I carry around in my purse.

~~Recently our sons' preschool had a family dinner with pizza and a puppet show. In principle it was a great activity (. . . here's the BUT), except for the Webkinz raffle. I'm sure the planners had nothing but good intentions when they decided to hold the raffle. The dinner and entertainment was all free, so it's not a big deal to hold a raffle for $1/ticket. No big deal, right?


My single-minded little 5 year old can't get his mind off the stuffed animals sitting on the table. My sweet husband took him outside for most of the evening to divert his attention. The poor kid was ready for nuclear meltdown well before the raffle was to occur. And then it happens, the raffle and two other kids win. No Kidding!?!? #2 can't even think straight he's so disappointed. After a long day and he's tired, this is not a pretty sight. I think he cried . . . LOUD, all the way home, and then when we got home, and finally just collapsed.

Perhaps I'll suggest further raffles be things for the adults, hopefully we can handle ourselves better when we don't win than #2.

But there's a silver lining to this black, black cloud.

The next morning, I was recounting the events to my dear friend. She suggested her children hadn't discovered the evils of Webkinz yet, (but she has a few on hand for when they do) and she volunteered to make a special delivery from the Webkinz Elf to #2 on Monday afternoon. And "Oh the joy. The joy, joy, joy!" (I think that was supposed to be "noise," but I'll take a little poetic licence with that one.) Thus Alvin joined our family, a quiet beagle, who has brought a smile to one little 5 year old's face that continues to this day.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Webkinz Elf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~~We live in a city where Tuesdays are free days at some of the museums. The first Tuesday of the month happens to be the favorite of my children . . . Dinosaur Museum (aka Natural History Museum), Science Museum, and the Model Railroad Museum. It's a great way to spend a Tuesday with thousands of your closest friends who also love free things. I love that we live so close to these great museums and we can go once a month, and I can let the kids wander to whatever interests them that day. It happened to be the contraption that shot small balls out of the mouth of a frog, simulating the way a Darwin's Frog belches its babies from its mouth. I'm sorry I didn't take a picture because they loved it! Something else they loved was pushing each other through a conveyor belt intended for produce at the mock grocery store, or shapes in the building department. I love the way they explore things and figure out what works in their brains. I usually sit back and watch, and wait for them to come get me and show me what they did or discovered or built. We spent three and a half hours at the one museum, so we didn't even get to see the dinosaurs. We'll hit that one first next month.

~~Wednesday morning was the preschool trip to the Pumpkin Patch. Heaps of fun!! But we're going through a bit of a heat wave and on the way home we discussed what to do for the rest of the day, and we decided to go swimming. Yep, it's October and we're going to the pool because it's just too hot to sit indoors in our 100 year old house with no air conditioning, and the sun is just too hot if I'm not in the water, but you won't hear me complaining. It was a glorious day! So glorious, in fact, we went back the next day.

I LOVE this town!

1 comment:

Liz said...

Webkinz is universally HUGE in our 6-10 year range in our family. Oh My! Rebecca and her friend had a play date and--gasp--I let them play Webkinz side by side on the two computers, since they were so dying to. Absurdities. Alas, I loved seeing those smiles, even at the price of a half-hour of annoyance.
I love hearing about your family!!! We love you!